Cycle Parking in LBRuT
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
They asked if RCC would be willing to help. I said, oh yes. So now it's up to you, this is your chance to get your views across.
Send in your requests for cycle parking to this email address by Wednesday 10th December...
Use the template below...
To: Smarter Cycle Parking Richmond (
From: (Name, Email address, Contact Telephone Number)
Request for Consideration of New Cycle Parking Location
1. Location Details
(Richmond Road, Junction with St Stephen’s Church)
Postcode/Map Grid Reference, If Known
(0SX 517345, 0SY 174118)
Nearby travel destinations
(Marble Hill House, Public House, The Thames Path, Residential Area)
2. Specific Requirements
Are any additional measures likely to be necessary for implementation of parking?
(e.g. Lighting measures, kerb build outs, removal of signage etc.)
In your opinion, how many parking spaces should be provided?
(6 spaces, from 3 Sheffield Stands)
Is there sufficient existing natural surveillance of the site for security?
(Yes, adjacent to footpath which leads towards Marble Hill House).
Is the Site on or nearby to an existing local cycle route or National/LCN/LCN+ route?
(Nearby to Thames Path and local cycle routes towards Richmond & Twickenham.)
3. General Comments
Are there any other comments you wish to make in support of this request?
4. Additional Documentation
(Photograph of site, evidence of nearby cycle parking provision at or approaching capacity, etc.)
Go crazy, don't forget, by 10th December...
Posted byRichmond Cycling Campaign at 19:02 0 comments
Vote for the Crane Valley
Ten grants are available to parks throughout London, one of which is in Richmond - the Crane Valley park. The Crane valley could be a winner with your help, vote for it here...
Help A London Park
FORCE do some good work and are attempting to get a joined up cycle network through the Crane valley and park and this money would help that cause.
FORCE poster
The Crane valley and park are well worth a trip...
Some routes for you...
Strawberry Hill to Crane Park
Richmond to Crane Park
Go on, you know you want to...
Posted byRichmond Cycling Campaign at 18:58 0 comments
A3 Robin Hood Roundabout crossing
Finally, a pegasus crossing at Robin Hood roundabout has been approved. Details are here.
This should create a continuous off road link between Richmond park and Wimbledon common, which will be wonderful for the Wombles, who can now help clean up Richmond park as well.
Posted byRichmond Cycling Campaign at 18:57 0 comments
Legible London
TfL are using Richmond and Twickenham as part of a 'Legible London' project to help people find their way around. This should have positive implications for cyclists, as good signage is usually lacking.
More details here.
Posted byRichmond Cycling Campaign at 18:56 0 comments
Critical Mass - Law Lords judgement
The Law Lords made a judgement that the monthly Critical Mass ride was lawful...
FOE press release
For those who don't know, critical mass is a monthly bike ride that slowly, ever so slowly, makes it way around London and it's been happening for many years. The police tried to get it stopped, you can read all the details in the archive on the CM website.
Posted byRichmond Cycling Campaign at 18:56 0 comments
London Policing Priorities - Consultation
Your chance to let the Met know what you think of their policing methods is available here...
London policing priorities 2010/11
Get your views in by the 15th December.
How about enforcing ASLs? RCC received an email from someone who challenged a police officer who had stopped in an ASL - she was told that they are not obligatory. In fact, they are, see rule 178 in the Highway Code. The law don't know the law...
Or how about telling them to take cycle theft seriously?
How about enforcing speed limits, cited as one of the biggest killers on the road?
Or enforcing inconsiderate and dangerous driving? The police rarely prosecute unless there is a collision. Most cyclists will have tales of close shaves, why are poor drivers tolerated?
Have fun!
Posted byRichmond Cycling Campaign at 18:37 0 comments
Way To Go, yeah baby
The mayor's vision of transport in London is available here...
Way To Go
The basis for this vision is that no mode of transport has priority over another and that the car is not 'intrinsically evil'.
Kulveer Ranger, at the recent LCC AGM, showed us the cover of this document and made the point that their transport policy had cycling at it's heart because there was a bicycle on the cover.
The LCN+ will be scrapped, mostly because the remaining 300 or so kilometres are too difficult to implement and would go against the transport priority policy. Instead the main focus of cycling related spending will be the cycle hire scheme and the 12 cycling 'super highways' into London. All this at the expense of the local boroughs, whose cycling budget has been slashed in half.
All the volunteer work that this campaign has put into the CRISPs and CRIMs, not to mention all the monumental effort other people all over London did, all for nothing. Way to go.
Posted byRichmond Cycling Campaign at 18:12 0 comments
The sad loss of an old friend
Last week, an old friend of mine bid a sad farewell to this world...
The frame has broken at the join of the drive side chain stay and the drop out, as you can see. It happened as I was riding along. I went over a bump and the back end went all washy, as if I'd got a puncture. I came to a stop and checked the tyre - no puncture, That's weird. I checked the wheels which were new, thinking perhaps the cone nuts had come loose, nothing. At that point I saw the frame flapping about...
I was on my way to do some cycle training when it happened. It was the first day, so it was all playground work and I didn't need the bike. I had the offer of a lift home but I refused and cycled the bike along the A316 cycle track, very very slowly. It held up, mostly because of the attached rack, I think.
After 12 years of much off roading including a Whitehaven to Sunderland off road C2C, a Weston Super Mare to Beachy Head off road ride and many thousands of commuter miles, the green bike has finally died. Farewell, KHS Montana Comp, your True Temper green steel has kept me happy for many miles, you worked hard and paid the price. Goodbye...
Posted byRichmond Cycling Campaign at 16:32 0 comments